I had to add a quick little update to say that our Anniversary was wonderful. We ate at Magleby's, which was delicious, then we went to see "Get Smart", which was hilarious! Dan and I absolutely loved the movie! We hardly ever see movies in the theater, unless it's a kid movie, but we loved this one so much, we want to go back again. Dan and I are huge Steve Carell fans, so that made it that much sweeter for us. I love the way Steve Carell can be so funny/dumb, but in such a serious way. So, we highly recommend the movie to anyone who thinks it looks remotely funny. Anyway, we had an awesome Anniversary, and when we went to pick up the boys from Nanny's house (my Mom) the next day, they had had so much fun, they were way bummed to see us. Even Aidan, who I expected to miss me like crazy, ran from me when I walked in the door. My Mom and Dad are so cute, and they said that they had a ton of fun with the boys. They said that Aidan was hilarious (just as I expected). So, all in all, 8 years was so much fun, I am totally looking forward to next year, especially if the kids are that good, maybe we can extend our stay next year!!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Eight Years-Part 2
I had to add a quick little update to say that our Anniversary was wonderful. We ate at Magleby's, which was delicious, then we went to see "Get Smart", which was hilarious! Dan and I absolutely loved the movie! We hardly ever see movies in the theater, unless it's a kid movie, but we loved this one so much, we want to go back again. Dan and I are huge Steve Carell fans, so that made it that much sweeter for us. I love the way Steve Carell can be so funny/dumb, but in such a serious way. So, we highly recommend the movie to anyone who thinks it looks remotely funny. Anyway, we had an awesome Anniversary, and when we went to pick up the boys from Nanny's house (my Mom) the next day, they had had so much fun, they were way bummed to see us. Even Aidan, who I expected to miss me like crazy, ran from me when I walked in the door. My Mom and Dad are so cute, and they said that they had a ton of fun with the boys. They said that Aidan was hilarious (just as I expected). So, all in all, 8 years was so much fun, I am totally looking forward to next year, especially if the kids are that good, maybe we can extend our stay next year!!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Eight Years
Today is our 8th Anniversary! Dan is seriously the most amazing husband in the world! I don't know what I would do without him. I swear, being married to Dan just gets better and better all the time. This morning the UPS man left a package on our doorstop and I opened it to find 2 dozen gorgeous roses with a vase, a box of chocolates, and a sweet card.
As if that wasn't enough, Dan also planned our whole Anniversary celebration tonight for me. I have planned our Anniversary every year since we got married, but I just didn't have it in me this year. I was ready to just call it a loss and have us just go out to dinner and call it good, but Dan planned for us to go to dinner, a movie and stay tonight at the Hampton Inn. He really is such an amazing man, and I am so blessed to have him!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Aidan's Words
I know my last post was all about Aidan too, but before I forget, I wanted to write down all of the words that he can say now. He will be 2 in a month and a half.
May-mee (May-may or Mason)
E-dee (Ethan)
dop (stop)
pease (please)
day-doo (thank you)
ardy (sorry)
Bye Bye
woo-whee (stinky)
baby (blanky) -it sounds just the same, but it has a different meaning!
bob-bob (Spongebob)
yesh (yes)
He doesn't know which one is which yet, but he copies what I say:
yellow (I can't even explain how it sounds when he says it)
He says these while pointing:
Nose, Eyes, Ears, Teeth, Mouth, Tongue, Hands, Feet, Belly, Hair, Toes
how-hide (outside)
ba-bub (bathtub)
all done
opped (dropped)
Je-jee (Jesus)
may-men (amen)
I wa you (I love you)
and just today "why?"
This one is cracking us up! He looks too little to be asking why.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Aidan's Obsession
For those of you who don't know, Aidan has an obsession. It might actually be called an addiction, I'm not sure which is better.
For Aidan, the best thing on earth, that he can't live without, is his "Da-dee". Ever since Aidan was a tiny baby, he's had a very special love for his Dad.
I always noticed that he seemed to prefer his Dad (apart from when it was time to eat). And, that Dan seemed to have a very strong attachment to him. Dan has changed more diapers for Aidan than either Mason or Ethan combined.
Dan always requested to wear the "Snuggly" carrier, because he loved having Aidan cuddled to him.
If I ever have a hard time getting Aidan to sleep, I simply hand him over to Dan, and miraculously, 5 minutes later, he is out like a light. Don't get me wrong, Dan has had a really strong bond with all of our boys, and they have loved him too, but it's never been quite to this extreme. When I lay Aidan down to bed (if he's already asleep) he mutters in his sleep "Da-dee". When Dan comes home from work, he has a fit and sprints to the door yelling "Da-dee", every single time! They like to cuddle together, play together, and generally just be together doing anything. I have to admit, that there have been times when I've been very jealous. He usually bestows a million hugs and kisses on Dan without being asked, while I have to beg and plead for the tiniest bit of affection. All in all, it's really the cutest thing on earth to watch this adorable "pair of boys" that I love with all my heart.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Scrapbooking Weekend!
This was my first time ever going away on a scrapbooking "retreat". Dan's cousin, Amy, invited me to come along with her sister in law (Dan's cousin, Kathy) and some of her other friends (Elisha, Sami and Ruth) for an overnight scrapbooking party.
We stayed at Amy's cabin up above Heber. Dan was so awesome to keep the boys for me so that we could all focus on our projects.
This was the funnest thing ever and it gave me such a scrapbooking boost, which I really needed. I love scrapbooking, but it's always hard for me to stay motivated and I get overwhelmed really easily. Since then, I've managed to get a lot of pages done. I'm in a Scrapbooking Swap with 6 other ladies, so I've finally started using those pages, as well as creating all new ones too.
I also made these little "Thank You" gifts for Mason's preschool teacher and her helpers. I hope we get to do this again sometime soon!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Ethan's 4th Birthday
May 31st was Ethan's 4th Birthday! Nanny and Papa Hubbs showed up in the morning to bring him some really fun presents. They got him a Pixar Magna-Doodle (they got Mason one too!). And some books, and puzzles. He played with all of those for a while, then opened presents from Mom, Dad, Mason and Aidan. We got him 2 Max and Ruby DVD's, 2 new GeoTrax sets, an Iron Man Mask and Arm Shooter, a PlayDough set, a Painting Set and a few books. He was one spoiled little boy. He loved telling everyone that he was 4 now, and since then, seems to have decided that he 5. I'm not sure why, but he has started telling everyone that he is 5 now, I guess because he wants to be like Mason. He is such a cute little boy, I can't believe how old he is!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Levor's 60th Surprise Party
There was an awesome food table with millions of treats that could be dipped in these chocolate fountains. The food was seriously so much fun!
Lori got these cupcake towers and then spread cupcakes all around it. There were 60 candles, and I doubt they were easy to blow out, since they were spread so far around!
We re-used the Birthday banner that I made Dan (I just switched the 30 for a 60 and changed Dan to Dad).
We sang to Dad as soon as he came in. It's hard to tell, but there are sparklers on the tops of the cupcakes that are a 6 and 0.
The coolest part of the night was the video that Lori put together for Dad. It was kind of a tribute video with funny and heartfelt clips about him. It was such a fun night! I seriously have the best Father-in-law in the world. I am so thankful for him. Happy Birthday Dad!!! We love you so much!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dan's 30th "Surprise" Party
For several years now, I have had it in my mind that I would throw Dan a "Suprise Party" for his 30th Birthday. So, the time finally came and I am happy to report that Dan was 100% surprised! I threw it a week before his actual birthday so that I was sure he wouldn't be expecting it.
I was so stressed out the day of it, trying to make a ton of food, without it being obvious how many people we were expecting. I told him that our good friends, Brandee and Jeremy were coming to dinner and then play games. Everything was going great until he decided to come home for lunch without calling me. Dan always calls me. My Mom makes fun of us because we are on the phone so much, but he always calls to let me know when he is going to come home.
It was 3:00, so I thought I was safe, but then suddenly he showed up and I had three cakes sitting on my counter (luckily without icing or words yet). Of course, he gave me the third degree about them too, so I quickly said a prayer, then calmly told him that Lori asked me to make some cakes for a party that she was having at her house for someone in Bingham's family. Luckily, he totally bought that because Lori and I have done that before.
So, I ran the cakes to Lori and asked her to please help me get them decorated while Dan and I were at the movies. So, Dan ate lunch and then we went to see "Iron Man". Brandee watched the kids for us, and hung the birthday banner, and accepted all the guests as they arrived and I was so thankful! I was a nervous wreck the whole time we were at the movies, but it all went off as smoothly as possible after that. You can see by the pictures that the surprise totally worked, he was shocked. The funniest part was, he kept telling me what an amazing liar I am, which cracks me up, because I cannot lie well. Anyway, we had an awesome night. Everyone was so wonderful to come and bring food and hang out with us for the night. Dan really felt loved by everyone, which was just what I wanted. Thanks everyone for everything you did that night to make Dan's Birthday so special. And a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Brandee and Lori for all of the extra effort they went to. You guys are amazing!
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