Thursday, June 11, 2009

Baby #4

So, here is the scoop on Baby #4. I know in a few years I will have forgotten all of the little details surrounding this pregnancy, so I want to write it down and make sure I have it saved. Beware, this could get really long and boring!!! So, Dan and I started "trying" for number 4 last spring. Much to our surprise, we had absolutely no luck until January of this year. I got pregnant sometime around the end of December and found out around the beginning of January. We were so excited. I made it to my eighth week (or right around there), and then went in for an ultrasound to find out when my exact due date was, only to find that the amniotic sac looked empty. The Ultrasound tech assured me that it was probably just too early to see anything and that I would just come back next week. Needless, to say, I didn't sleep at all that night and by morning, I was a total wreck. I knew that the baby should have been big enough by that time to see, so I was pretty sure I knew what it meant. I spent the next week totally freaking out and then had my second ultrasound and blood tests which confirmed it, I had miscarried. At that point, I had pretty much no hope anyway, because my sickness had rapidly started to disappear within the last 24 hours. I was so upset. Almost a year of trying, three weeks of being sick, and now I had to start all over again! The Dr. gave me my options, and I chose the D&C, because I knew my emotions couldn't take waiting for it to pass on it's own. I needed to have it done with and behind me. So, I went in for a D&C the next morning, which was actually quite wonderful. I woke up from the best sleep of my life and barely had any spotting when it was over, just some mild cramping. The Dr's recommended that we wait 3 months before trying again, and I was happy with that because I felt like I needed some "me" time. I started running a few weeks later, and was really enjoying it again. Then, about 4 weeks after my D&C I started feeling so tired that I could hardly get out of bed in the morning. Running at 6am was out of the question, I was just too exhausted. I didn't think too much of it. Well, about two weeks after that, I started having some of my classic early pregnancy symptoms (sore breasts, lots of fatigue, sensitive smell and gag reflex). I took a test and was amazed to see it turn positive. When I told Dan we were both pretty subdued, but still happy and excited. We were both scared it would end the same way the first one had. So, I waited a few weeks, and the nausea came (yippee skippee) and then waited a few weeks more to make my Dr's appointment to find out my due date. I obviously didn't have a period between my miscarriage and this pregnancy, so I didn't have any solid ideas on a due date. So, I went in for my ultrasound, absolutely terrified. To make things even worse, Dan was supposed to come with me, but couldn't. I was already tearing up on the way up in the elevator. I didn't want to have to face it alone, and all my recent memories of my Dr's office were not happy. But, I went in and laid on the little table and as soon as the ultrasound started, I could see that beautiful little baby, with it's heart going like crazy. She turned on the sound, and I started to cry, it was the best sound I have ever heard. I can't even begin to describe how relieved and overjoyed I felt! What an awesome blessing! Since then, everything has been going great. I'm 13 weeks now, and the nausea is starting to fade, and I'm starting to get some good energy back. I still have moments where I feel sick, but they are mostly at night, when I am tired. My house is finally starting to feel clean again and my bed has been made every day this week (a true miracle!!!). I had a Dr's appointment a week and half ago and everything was looking great. Now, with all of this that's happened, can you blame me that I honestly don't care one bit whether it's a boy or a girl? A girl would be fun, because obviously we don't have one, but I will honestly be just as happy about a boy. A healthy baby, that is all that matters!!!