Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jesus wants me for a ..........cowboy?
Last week, we went to the dinosaur museum (post to follow) for Family Home Evening. On the way there, we sang an "opening song" and the kids picked "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam". After it was over, I was trying to explain to the kids that Jesus wants us to always be happy and positive and try to be like Him. I could tell Mason was thinking about it pretty hard, and then he said, "But, I want to be a cowboy!". Dan and I cracked up. Where do they come up with these things?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Touching Story on YouTube
Dan called me today to tell me about this video on YouTube. It's some friends of ours from our last ward. We taught their oldest son in Scouts and I was her visiting teacher. Her husband was sent to Iraq when their youngest baby was about a year old. When Dan and I moved out of the ward, everything was still fine, but a few months later, her husband had a terrible head injury, which should have killed him. Luckily, he seems to be recovering, although he definitely is still struggling with his injury. Anyway, if you want to hear a beautiful story about an awesome family and see what awesome blessing they have just received, take a look. Kendall and Sarah Redmond Family
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dad, this one's for you.....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Don't hate me....going private.
I know, I know. I am not a huge fan of when people make their blogs private, but Brandee and I just a had a huge discussion about it and a special they did about it on KSL and it scared the tar out of me and I've decided, even though it's not nearly as fun or convenient, that I should make my blog private. So, I need everyone's email addresses, but if you don't want to post it, here is mine, so you can email me and I will send you an invite saedranne@yahoo.com . If you don't get around to it soon, just find me on facebook (if you don't have a facebook account yet, then repent and get one, because it's so much fun!) and I will get your email address there. Love you all!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tag, I'm "it". The 4's
Brandee tagged me, and for once, it sounded like something simple enough that I didn't feel like I needed a nap just thinking about it. So, thanks Brandee. My 4th picture in my 4th folder is..................
I was surprised that this picture happened to be the 4th. I have so many random, pointless pictures that I can't believe I got a fun one with all of us in it! This picture gives me some happy memories. This was taken last year (only about 3 weeks away from today in fact) when we were on our way to our first day of Disneyland. It was such a fun trip and I wish we were headed back there right now! I can't believe how little Aidan is in this picture! He has grown up so fast.
Ok, I don't know who to tag, because I know I've seen this on most of your blogs already. Ummmm, if you haven't done it yet, consider yourself TAGGED!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
We had a great Halloween this year! Every year, my sister, Mom and I take our kids trick or treating down Center Street in Provo. My sister (Saesha) lives in Pleasant Grove and for a few years we just felt bad for ourselves that we never got to see each other on Halloween or see the kids all in their costumes. Then, one year we decided to meet in Provo and trick or treat down Center Street. It starts at 3:00, so it never interferes with any ward parties, or regular trick or treating and the kids love to get to see each other, as do Saesha, Mom and I.
Here we are, the four pirates. I don't usually dress up for Halloween (which is weird, because it's one of my favorite Holidays) but this year, I couldn't resist joining in with the boys.
Here is most of our group (Koby, Lori, Kolton and Kaleb all came a few minutes later).
Aidan was so stinking cute in his little pirate outfit. I loved his bandana, but mostly, I loved how proudly he wore his costume. I was afraid he wouldn't want to wear it, but he loved it and it was so fun to watch him strut around. He wouldn't say "trick or treat", but he did say "Hawoween!" (Happy Halloween) to a few people. He was pretty good about saying thank you though. He cracked me up once, we went into a shop and there was a really cute girl behind the counter handing out the treats and he said as we were leaving "Dank dou, dirl" (thank you, girl) which made me laugh and laugh.
Ethan was so adorable. He kept pulling his hat down over his head really far, so it looked really funny. I had to keep fixing it, but it never lasted long. He really got into trick or treating this year. Last year, I remember him having a hard time and lots of tantrums, but this year he was just cute and sweet and always remembered to say "thank you" after he got his treats.
Mason was Captain Jack Sparrow (thanks to Saesha for lending me the costume). He loved being Captain Jack and actually told a few superheroes that we saw that night that "he could beat them, because he was "Captain Jack". He's such a nut.
Here we are at our Ward Halloween party the night before (on the 30th). Dan and the kids had a blast. I had fun too, but I missed everything that happened outside of the primary room. We did a Carnival Style Halloween party with games and a spook alley, etc. But, the Primary Presidency had to be in charge of our two games (bean bag toss, and ring toss) so I missed everything else. Dan said the Spook Alley was great though.
Also on the 30th was Ethan's Preschool Program. He was so cute. He'd been telling me for at least a month that he was going to "scare all of the Mom's" during their program. I was worried that he wouldn't go up to the front. He gets really bad stage fright. But, he went up and after the first song, he actually started singing along and looking like he was having fun. We were really proud of him.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's Officially Official
I am a REALTOR!!! Hooray! It only took me a year and two months to finish, but I passed my final Real Estate Test a few weeks ago, and I've signed on with Osmond Real Estate in Spanish Fork. I put our Townhouse up for sale this week (the sign out front has my name on it and everything-teehee!). I even have one of those awesome Risco ReaderKeys that I can use to get into houses....How fun is that? Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that I am done! HOORAY!!!! Here is my business card proof. I'm so official!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lake Powell-October 2008
Well, here is my excuse for being a very negligent blogger.....Life has been absolutely insane, and I am so behind with my blogging, that I don't know where to start anymore. I've finally decided to just get Lake Powell done and then I can work from there, so a few weeks ago, we went to Lake Powell with Dan's family and it was so much fun. I know, I lead a very rough life -heehee. Dan's Mom and Dad decided to try going to Lake Powell late in the season this year, for those of us in the family who missed the June and August trips they made. They have since decided that we will make it a tradition because it was so wonderful. The water was still plenty warm, but the days weren't too hot and the lake was so empty!! It was like having all of Lake Powell to ourselves for the most part. We had such an awesome trip!
The kids spent about 99% of their time playing on this beach. Aidan kept telling me, "Mom, I play sand, I play dirt". They had such a great time.

Doesn't he look like he's having a great time???
Dan went knee boarding (just for the heck of it) and it looked so weird, like he was floating on the water, or walking just beneath the surface really fast. Anyway, I thought it was a cool picture.
Aidan and Reese were so cute together. Aidan was a little punk though, he kept trying to steal Reese's baby doll she brought with her. He's never really had a chance to play with a doll before, so I think he was fascinated. One night, Dan caught him about to dunk her head first into the lake. I caught him washing her in a tub of water on the back of the boat one day (and she is not a waterproof type of doll!).
Dan's neice and nephew "Camryn and Gavon" caught these adorable little frogs one day and I absolutely loved them. The kids all loved playing with them of course, but I felt like I was more fascinated than any of the kids. I've been tempted ever since to buy my kids some pet frogs, if only animals didn't stink, I might.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Funny Things They Say.....
Here are just a few funny quotes from the kids lately....
Ethan today.... "See ya suckers!", to which I said, "Ethan we don't say that" and he said, "Oh, that's a bad word?" and I said, "Well, it's just not very nice." The next thing I know, Aidan is saying, over and over again...."See ya, sussers!" Is it bad that I laughed??
Today at Walmart Aidan says to me, "Mom, I Miderman (spiderman)" and then, he makes a swishing sound, and waves his arm, like he's shooting webs. That kid kills me!
The other day, Mason was explaining to Ethan that the shoes Ethan was wearing, used to be his (Mason's). He was explaining that they used to fit him, but now they didn't. Then, sounding totally confused he asked me, "Mom, why do our shoes shrink?". I love the logic of a child.
I was holding Kim's (who lives in our basement) baby the other day and the boys were all loving him and Aidan came to give him a kiss. I asked Aidan if he wanted to have a baby brother or sister someday, to which he replied "brudder". I laughed and asked again (hoping for the answer I wanted!) if he wanted to have a baby girl or baby boy at our house, and he said "BOY!". I guess it's official, I am the mother of only boys. No matter how many times I have asked him since, he always answers for the boys, and never for a girl (DANGIT!!). p.s. I am not pregnant. Just wanted to clarify :)
Mason knows me too well. He asked me a few days ago if he could play a game on the XBox and I told him, "That is all you think about, Xbox, Xbox, Xbox." and he answered back without skipping a beat, " All you think about is, Computer, Computer, Computer." Well, that shut me up pretty quick!
One of my favorite things that Aidan says now is "Tute" (cute). "Mom, baby tute", "Mom, doggy tute". He is the "tutest" little boy ever!
Today, Ethan told me that he wanted an apple. So, I cut one up, hoping that he would actually want to eat it, which he didn't. He asked me for a seed, so I gave him one, then he asked if he could "put it in the dirt, so it would grow a giant beanstalk". I laughed and said, "Apple seeds don't grow beanstalks, they grow apple trees." so, he insisted on taking it outside to put the seed in the dirt so it could grow a tree. About five minutes later, he was looking out the windows and asked me, "Mom, where is my tree??". If only it worked quite like that, huh?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Cupcake Fun
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Mr and Mrs Frog
Dan and the boys got a little carried away with the camera while I was watching a movie tonight. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard! Enjoy!
Race for Recovery 5k
My friend Jana and I have been running for a little over a month now and we decided to try running a few races, just for fun.
So, yesterday we ran in the Wasatch Mental Health Race for Recovery 5k. We were pretty nervous, so we were setting really low goals for ourselves, like finishing in under 40 minutes (which would pretty much be walking most of the time!). So, it just made it that much more fun when we had no problem running the whole time, and when we finished well below our goal. Our official times were 29:13 (me) and 29:14 (Jana), which means that we got 3rd and 4th place for our age range. It was so fun! It's such a beautiful course, and thankfully not very hilly. It was, however, extremely cold when we started!!!
This year, Dan and the kids came to cheer me on, which was awesome! I've never had Dan there when I finished a race before, and it motivated me a lot to know that he and the kids were waiting at the finish line.
I ran this race last year, by my self, but it wasn't very fun all by my lonesome. I told Jana yesterday that I will never run a race without her again! It was amazingly better to run with someone! So, our next race will be the Cougar Run 5k, anyone want to come along???
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Blast From the Past
My Dad sent me this picture that he found of my siblings and I in Orderville, Utah (I'd never seen this photo before, so it was way fun to get!). My Grandma Hubbs had a house in Orderville and we used to visit her there quite a bit. I love this picture, even the fields behind us look 80's. How is that possible?

Shown in this picture:
Koby, Kade, Saesha and Saedi
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
1930's Housewife
86 As a 1930s wife, I am |
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Townhouse for Sale
Dan and I have listed our Townhouse for Sale. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please send them our way.
Here is a blog I set up with pictures and info.
Thanks all!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Mason and Ethan-1st Day of School
Wednesday, August 27th was Mason's first day of kindergarten. He was so excited to go! Mason goes to Rees Elementary School and his teacher's name is Mrs. Jenkins (we both like her alot!).
He lucked out that he knows quite a few kids in his class already. Braiden Stubbs, Ammon Gathercoal and Brooke Martin (and there may be more that I haven't noticed) are all in his class, and in his CTR6 Class at church. I thought I would get emotional about leaving him, but he was so excited about it, that I couldn't help being excited too. Next year will be the killer. I don't think I'm going to handle all day school very well.
After we picked him up we got McDonald's and went to the park and library to celebrate his first day of Kindergarten.
Thursday, August 28th was Ethan's first day of Preschool. Ethan was super excited too. After watching Mason go to preschool all last year, Ethan couldn't wait to get to go. I was pretty nervous, because Ethan is definitely my clingy child, but thankfully, he only clung for a minute or two, and then he relaxed and started playing. When I picked him up, he was so excited and happy and he told me that he loved it. He goes to "Country Kids Preschool", which is run by a lady in my ward, Chris Kelly. Thankfully, it's just a minute down the road, so it makes drop-off and pick-up time super quick.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Game Night
We lucked out this last week and got to have 2 game nights with the Davies and Lloyds. We love playing games with these families, they seriously are the best! This is Brandee Lloyd, with cute little Stetler above (isn't he the cutest little guy ever?)
We played 2 games, "A to Z "(one of our all time favorites) and our new favorite "Panic". Dan and I are undefeated when it comes to playing "Panic", which I am very proud of, because it's the only game we ever win.
Ryan and Dan asked Jeremy if they could eat some jalapenos from his garden, so Jeremy went out and fresh picked them each a jalapeno. It was hilarious to watch them sweat and drink milk and eat cookies after it.
Jeremy decided to have a little nibble of the stem of one of them, but luckily for him, didn't eat the entire thing like the other brainiacs. Dan and I feel so blessed to have such awesome friends to hang out with. They are fun, hilariously funny, and most of all, they're always there when we need them. We love you guys!
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