Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lake Powell-October 2008
Well, here is my excuse for being a very negligent blogger.....Life has been absolutely insane, and I am so behind with my blogging, that I don't know where to start anymore. I've finally decided to just get Lake Powell done and then I can work from there, so a few weeks ago, we went to Lake Powell with Dan's family and it was so much fun. I know, I lead a very rough life -heehee. Dan's Mom and Dad decided to try going to Lake Powell late in the season this year, for those of us in the family who missed the June and August trips they made. They have since decided that we will make it a tradition because it was so wonderful. The water was still plenty warm, but the days weren't too hot and the lake was so empty!! It was like having all of Lake Powell to ourselves for the most part. We had such an awesome trip!
The kids spent about 99% of their time playing on this beach. Aidan kept telling me, "Mom, I play sand, I play dirt". They had such a great time.

Doesn't he look like he's having a great time???
Dan went knee boarding (just for the heck of it) and it looked so weird, like he was floating on the water, or walking just beneath the surface really fast. Anyway, I thought it was a cool picture.
Aidan and Reese were so cute together. Aidan was a little punk though, he kept trying to steal Reese's baby doll she brought with her. He's never really had a chance to play with a doll before, so I think he was fascinated. One night, Dan caught him about to dunk her head first into the lake. I caught him washing her in a tub of water on the back of the boat one day (and she is not a waterproof type of doll!).
Dan's neice and nephew "Camryn and Gavon" caught these adorable little frogs one day and I absolutely loved them. The kids all loved playing with them of course, but I felt like I was more fascinated than any of the kids. I've been tempted ever since to buy my kids some pet frogs, if only animals didn't stink, I might.

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How fun! Lake Powell with the Oldham's is the best!
Hey, I've decided to make my blog private. Will you email me your email address so I can add you to my list? My email address is
If you know of anyone else who might want to keep reading it let them know too! Thanks!!!
What a fun trip! I'd never think of going down there this late in the season, but why not?
Reese completely forgives Aiden for the dunking of the doll in the wash bucket. I think she just wanted to be the one telling him what to do. She totally has the personality of: "Hey someone smaller than me, I will tell them what to do, and if they don't they are going to get it" Sorry about that.
Fun Fun trip. Thanks
That head shot of Aiden just makes me grin big! That kid is contagious with his smiles. I love it! You can definitely tell he was having a grand time!
It's about time! I sure hope nobody gets a wart from those frogs. Looks like you guys had alot of fun. We haven't been to Lake Powell for years but I bet it was perfect weather this time of year. Bring Aiden over he can play with plenty of dolls here!!
Yeah! A post! jk Saedi...It looks like you guys had fun. What a good idea to go later in the summer/fall. Glad you guys had fun!
I miss going to powell so much! I love the late fall trips the most too.
Looks like a blast! Can't believe it's so nice in october. What fun! Are you gearing up for Halloween?!?
Hi lady! It's a been a couple of months since I've been on the computer so I decided I would get on and check my email. I saw your name and needed to check out your super cute blog. I miss you guys so much!! I am so sad we had to get sick and miss Powell. I heard some of you got sick there- yuck. You have the cutest boys- Mr. and Mrs. frog totally cracked me up! It was so fun looking at your blog but it made me feel bad for myself. I want to be running races with you and making cute cupcakes, etc., etc.. :) Okay, so this is turning out to be way more than a comment. I miss you and love you guys! See you in December. Yay!
Wish we could have been there. Sounded like fun.
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