Monday, March 31, 2008

Yummy....Pool chalk!

Isn't this the epitome of my life? It's quiet for 10 minutes at Papa's house and when I finally check on Aidan, look what has happened. He ate pool chalk (from the pool table) for heavens sake! Seriously, every one of my kids has done this at Papa's house one time or another. If I remember right, Ethan did it about 10 times, he must have really loved the flavor. Well, the poor kid had to be scrubbed to death. I even scrubbed his tongue with a dishcloth. I guess we'll see if he liked it enough to do it again, or if this will be the first and last time. By the way, the smile on my face, is just there to mask my frustration, and because it was kinda funny.


Melissa O said...

Your kids are lacking something that that chalk holds. Lets get to the bottom of this. :) Maybe its just that everything tastes better at Grandma's house.

Gina said...

Nice post with photo for proof... and the tongue scrubbing is cracking me up! So something Saedi would do!