Monday, May 19, 2008

Ready for Potty Training?


Beth said...

LOL! These pics just crack me up! I am TOTALLY procrastinating potty training Ryan! (who is 100% ready for it!!!) Will you please fly out here and do it for me???? Ha ha ha! THANKS for stopping by my little blog! I was so excited to see your face over in my 'neck of the internet!' How did you find me? Now I can pop in here on yours too and say hello! Your kiddos are just too cute.... love all the pics!

Katie L. said...

Ha! How cute is that! You have to love that he is even interested in it! Maybe he will train hope, right!?!

utmommy said...

He's such a cutie!!

My boys didn't potty train until after they were 3, what is up with that?

Gina said...

What a doll! Aiden may just train himself before he's even two. That would be cool.

Brandee Lloyd said...

He is such a HAM! That cracks me up hopefully he doesn't miss the toilet when he decides he needs to really go!!