Saturday, June 14, 2008

Aidan's Obsession

For those of you who don't know, Aidan has an obsession. It might actually be called an addiction, I'm not sure which is better.

For Aidan, the best thing on earth, that he can't live without, is his "Da-dee". Ever since Aidan was a tiny baby, he's had a very special love for his Dad.
I always noticed that he seemed to prefer his Dad (apart from when it was time to eat). And, that Dan seemed to have a very strong attachment to him. Dan has changed more diapers for Aidan than either Mason or Ethan combined.
Dan always requested to wear the "Snuggly" carrier, because he loved having Aidan cuddled to him.
If I ever have a hard time getting Aidan to sleep, I simply hand him over to Dan, and miraculously, 5 minutes later, he is out like a light. Don't get me wrong, Dan has had a really strong bond with all of our boys, and they have loved him too, but it's never been quite to this extreme. When I lay Aidan down to bed (if he's already asleep) he mutters in his sleep "Da-dee". When Dan comes home from work, he has a fit and sprints to the door yelling "Da-dee", every single time! They like to cuddle together, play together, and generally just be together doing anything. I have to admit, that there have been times when I've been very jealous. He usually bestows a million hugs and kisses on Dan without being asked, while I have to beg and plead for the tiniest bit of affection. All in all, it's really the cutest thing on earth to watch this adorable "pair of boys" that I love with all my heart. 


Anderson Adventures said...

That is so cute. I can't wait to have kids and make those special bonds with them. You have such a beautiful familt.

Anderson Adventures said...

Sorry I know that post before says jonathan but it is from christi anderson

Melinda said...

You have so many fun things posted on your blog. I love all the pictures

utmommy said...

So cute!

I love sleeping pictures:)

utmommy said...

See, I do know how to leave nice comments every once in a while.

Heidi and Matt said...

Oh those are too precious. Aidan is lucky to have such a great daddy.

Gina said...

What a sweet sweet post! Darling boys you've got there! Aiden is a crack up. I know you have to plead with him for kisses, but dang, his stubbornness makes him all the more kissable!

Megan said...

So stinkin adorable..

Brandee Lloyd said...

That is so true he has always loved his daddy. Val is just trying to be nice so we don't beat her up later!!!

Chelsey said...

Saedi!!! This is Chelsey! I found your blog! I'm so excited to keep in touch with you this way! We miss you guys so much in the ward, but I'm glad you love your new house! Your boys are so cute. Check us out when you get time!