This was the rock, that all the kids were obsessed with climbing. Whenever I wondered where they were, it was either on the huge rock, or on their way up. It was a nice, because it kept them distracted from the river.

Three of the cutest boys ever created!!!

I didn't realize when we pulled into camp the night before that it was so gorgeous. When I woke up the next morning, my jaw dropped!

These two are the whole reason we went to the Reunion. We don't get to see Dan's grandparents very often. They're always busy on their farm, and they tend to get overwhelmed very easily by lots of people, so they didn't get to stay for very long, but it was awesome to get to see them. It's always amazing to me to know how hard it is to be around people, because they never seem the tiniest bit uncomfortable when they're there. They are two of the funniest people I have ever met. Dan's grandma had me laughing until my sides hurt.

Dan wanted to be a total maniac apparently, and sumbmerge himself completely in water that couldn't have been more than 30 degrees. He did get a dollar from Melinda for it though. He'll do ANYTHING for a buck, I guess.

This is one of the many times that I caught Aidan eating dirt. I've said before on my blog that he is a good eater, but this proves that he will eat ANYTHING!
1 comment:
That place is beautiful! It looks so much fun. I love the picture of Aidan eating dirt. All boy, sounds like mine. If only you could see him now in the foyer when I'm supposed to be in Sunday school. Yeah, RS is getting very hard too. Only 10 more Sundays until he's in nursery!
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