Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oregon Trip-Part 2 BEWARE-not for weak stomachs!

Well, this was the part of the trip, that really stunk. I mean that literally, my cute little Aidan stunk to high heaven! He'd had stinky breath for a few days before my trip, but as he had just gotten over strep, I didn't think much of it. Well, after a few days in Oregon, I suddenly realized that the smell was just getting worse, and that it wasn't really his breath, it was his nose. His right nostril stunk really bad (like manure) and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. Then suddenly, it hit me. I realized there must be something stuck up his nose. I looked up it with a flashlight and I could see something white in it, but no matter how hard I tried to suck it out with a nasal aspirator, it wouldn't budge. Finally , Buff's Mother in law told us that I needed to take him in, because if it was stinky, it was probably infected. So, I took him to the ER and waited 5 hours to be seen. While we waited, Aidan charmed every single person in the ER waiting room. Everyone was watching him and laughing at him and when I explained why we were there, they howled with laughter. Most of them knew him by name by the time we left. Well, we finally got to see a Doctor (two of them actually) and they were the biggest jerks on the planet! They wouldn't listen to me, all they heard was that I thought it was something stuck up there, and that he had recently had strep. They looked up his nose, but said they didn't see anything that shouldn't be there (such idiots!). They gave me a totally useless antibiotic, telling me that it was just a sinus infection and sent me out the door. But not until they let me know that they had "panicky Moms" in all the time that thought their kids had stuff up their noses, and it never turned out to be anything but an infection. Well, I gave him the antibiotics, all the while thinking, I don't think this is going to help, but the Doctors know best. Needless to say, it didn't get any better and a few days later, he was crying and out came this little wad of string that stunk so bad. Well, a few hours later, I realized there was more stuff up there, so I got a bobby pin, my Mom held him down and I pulled out this huge piece of batting (from one of his quilts I guess-the picture is above). The smell was instantly gone, and he could suddenly breathe again, the poor kid. So, my trust in Doctors is somewhat shaken. Dan is going to call the hospital and give them a serious talking to. They actually sent me a survey and man, I gave them an earful. This is proof to me that when it comes to my kids health, I need to be more forceful and not such a wuss. So, that was one of the more exciting parts of my trip, and gross. Sorry if anyone is feeling nauseous now.


Katie L. said...

EWWWW!! That is so sad! I would have been so mad at those doctors. I went into the ER after I had Ben and told them that I couldn't breath. They told me that they could do a lung scan but that it would be a waste of money and that I should' of course I didn't. I went home and my OBGYN told me to go back and he would make sure that I got checked out and I had blood clots! Since then I have also lost faith in doctors. I am so glad that it finally came out...the poor kid!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

YUCK! Poor little boy...I hate when the doctors do that! Mom's always know best:) I am glad you got that all taken care of:)

Melinda said...

You must of went through a lot. Poor kid. I was dying on Sunday when Dan was telling us about the emergency room wait and then the rude doctor. So glad you guys figured it out.

Chelsey said...

Oh my gosh, that poor little guy. And poor mommy! How frustrating doctors can be! It's so hard to know what to do sometimes, thats why moms have the whole gut instincts and the intuition thing going on. We know whats going on, listen to us!!!!! I'm glad you guys gotten taken care of. He is such a cutie.

Melissa O said...

That is seriously one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. Gross. I totally would not pay for that visit. Go Dan, Tell them whats up.

HomeschoolRulz3 said...

I agree doctors are idiots. They rarely listen to you..the mom who is with them all the time and knows them and what they do everyday! I'm glad you kept after it and got it out of his nose. We had a similar incident a few years ago with Taylor. :) motherhood is so wonderful!

Ruth and Eddison Dunn said...

Ya doctors pretty much get paid lots of money to suck. When Lincoln went in cause his kidneys hurt they just told him it was kidney stones and to go home. well a week later he is about to die cause he has blood clots in both of his kidneys and the stupid doctors didn't catch it before, so I feel for you Saedi.

Aly said...

That is awful! I've learned to "shop" around for doctors who will listen to my concerns. It took us three months to discover Emma had a serious kidney problem after she was born. I finally found a doc who asked me what I thought the problem was and listened. It's too bad this happened while you were on vacation.

cpcox99 said...

Boys. All I can say is boys. Who else puts stuff up their noses? :) It's a funny story now that it's over and I'd be mad at the doctors at the hospital too. I agree - trust your instincts. :)