We took a little trip to the "North Pole" this year and got to see Santa Claus! The boys were so excited. Well, that is they were all excited, and then we tried to put Aidan on Santa's lap and he freaked out.

This is the first year that Ethan has been willing to sit on Santa's lap. It was so cute to see him sitting there chatting with him.

Mason cracked me up. He just sat there and talked like he and Santa were old friends.

A few days after we saw Santa, Dan was talking to the boys about what Christmas really means and he asked Aidan...."Aidan, what's Christmas all about?" and Aidan said, "Santa det me presents.". Even though it wasn't the answer we were looking for, it was so cute and hilarious! He understands so much more than I give him credit for.
Man I don't even get a link for my blog on your site..How sad:) The boys are so cute it looks like they had a great time with Santa.
That is so precious! My favorite are the pictures of Mason. It totally captures that Mason and Santa Clause are "PALS." I wish I was Mason's pal like that.
Those boys of yours, are pretty cute!
Awe, what a smart little guy! He really is delicious!
How cute! I love Ethan in his glasses! What a handsome little guy! I so miss talking to you on Sundays!
I love the pictures. I love the memories Christmas time brings. Aiden was still thinking about his trip to see Santa! Gotta respect that. What a cutie.
Hi there! Fun to catch up on your crew with your cute pics!!! It's so hilarious how scared the little ones are of Santa... hee hee hee.... I remember the Dinosaur museum when we lived out there too! That place is pretty cool! Looks like you guys had a fun holiday season... always nice to be with family. Just stopping by to say 'hello.' {{{hugs}}} for ya!
Seriously Reese freaks out when she sees Santa. I think it is hilarious. Your boys are getting so big. I love Aiden freaking out at Bowling. Priceless. I love all your pictures. It's nice to have you blogging again.
Those were great pics. I loved the one of Aiden crying. I don't blame little kids for freaking out - sitting with a big hairy stranger would freak me out too. :)
Cute Boys!!! and what a cool looking Santa!
Ok I just can't get over how stinkin cute Ethen is in those glasses!!! It looks like you guys had fun. I miss you. We need to get Val and go to a girl movie one night soon???
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