Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chain of Love...

My friend, Jana, posted this on her blog and I participated with the promise that I would keep the chain going. So here it goes...The first five people to comment on this post will get something in the mail (or hand delivered) from me. My friend promised something homemade, but I can't guarantee that, so it might be semi-homemade...who knows? It will be though, I can promise that. The catch is that if you are one of the five to comment, you do have to post a similar post on your blog. This keeps us all busy and thinking of others. Hope you decide to participate!!!   P.S. In your comment, let me know if you would prefer something "scrapbook-ish" or "sewn". Thanks!


ker said...

How totally fun! This is a cute reminder to do things for others- so unselfish. We get so busy and caught-up in life that we forget to do small acts of service. Since you are a girl of many talents (and if you have time) I would prefer something sewn, a cute card works, too.

Angie said...

That sounds way fun! You are right it doesn't sound that difficult. I think I could actually do this one. I will totally keep it going and you know me I would love anything you make! :) I am so lucky to be one of the five. What a fun thing to do.

Megan said...

Alright Alright...I guess I can take some fun thing off of your hands Saedi..:) I love this idea. It is such a fun one. Anyhow count me in and I would love anything you sent me.

Lydia said...

Woo Hoo! I would love to get anything homemade (or semi-homemade) from Saedi. No preference on sewn or scrapbooked. I love this idea, and will definately pay it forward!

HomeschoolRulz3 said...

You are so cute! I'm with Lydia..anything from Saedi would be a delight!

Gina said...

Man, I missed it!