Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm breaking the rules......

Please don't tell Dan! The time has come during this pregnancy for me to be "down". I snuck upstairs for just a minute to check my emails and spend just a few minutes enjoying my computer and the change of scenery. I am supposed to be sitting on my couch in front of my tv for a solid 14 hours of every day. I take a quick break from this routine to lay on my bed for about 9 of those hours while I sleep, then the whole thing starts over again. Sounds like fun, eh? Just so you know, the extra hour of the day is spent going to the bathroom and grabbing the kids some food. Dan has been awesome though, he is so much help, I don't know what I would do without him! My Mom has also been fantastic, stopping by to help straighten up whatever new disaster the boys have created, bringing me food and helping me get laundry and dishes done. Oh my, what would I do without awesome family. The funniest part about this bed rest, is that it hasn't even been sentenced on me by my Doctor (yet), Dan is the one who has forced me down after a bunch of weird pains I've had this week and LOTS of contractions. Oh well, only a few weeks, and then I will have my little boy in my arms!!! I seriously can't wait!!!! Hope everyone is doing well! I think I will make Dan set up my laptop on a tray by the couch, so I'm not so super bored!


HomeschoolRulz3 said...

You are so awesome! Did anyone take a picture of you trick or treating with the boys in the wheel chair? You are so cute! Call us if you need anything.

Mindy said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Love you all!!

Aly said...

your mom is wonderful and i know lori is right there too, but remember i am also so close if you need anything.

Chelsey said...

What a sweet husband you have! Good luck with everything and I'm so excited for you guys!

Aaron + Kayti said...

here is to the awesome oldham boys! i am so glad that you have dan - i know that i couldnt get through a day without aaron.

i hope that things get less boring for you soon and that you are feeling well :)

Gina said...

Sorry you've been on bed rest. I had no idea! I hope your little man gets here safe and sound! I can't wait to meet him!