Monday, January 11, 2010

Funny Boys

After Christmas, we were driving in the car, and Ethan asked Dan and I, "Why do we have to put up Christmas decorrections?"

For Mason's birthday, we took the kids to Pirate Island Pizza in Orem, and as we were leaving Dan told the boys to come put their coats on. Ethan got a really confused look on his face and said, "Dad, we already have our clothes on!". We got a kick out of that.

Every Sunday, when we take the sacrament, Aidan likes to put his cup back in the tray (in one of the small holes) and then he says, "This is the big one." I think he says it because he used to try to put it back in the big center hole, but Dan and I started making him put it on the end, because he would spill some of his water into the other cups (eeww). So, I think he says it to make himself feel better that he can't drop it in the middle.

Aidan really wants to be the "boss" at our house. I've told him several times that he is not the boss, he is just bossy. Well, he has taken that to mean, that he is even better than the boss, because every time Mason and Ethan tell Aidan ,"You're not the boss, Aidan!", Aidan says, "Yes, I BOSS-EE". And then he looks at me and says, "Right Mom, I boss-ee." and I laugh and say, "Yes, you're bossy, but not the boss."

Aidan has apparently confused the words "dance" and "sing", because every time music is on, he starts dancing like crazy, but he says, "I singing".

1 comment:

Aly said...

so funny! i love reading the cute things they say.