Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spread the word.....

I am starting a Day Care in my basement. If you happen to know anyone who needs a day care, or who might be interested in switching Day Care's, please send them my way! Here is a blog I set up to give some info while I am working on getting licensed. I should be ready to open it up in April.

p.s. Dan and his brother Matt designed me this cute logo, isn't it fun?


Angie said...

That is so exciting! I will send everyone I know over there except you might not get much from me while living in Logan. If we end up moving back down there, I might have to go back to work so maybe Andrew will be coming. I am so impressed with what a hard worker you are! I miss you lots. Every time we come down we don't get to see you guys. Hopefully we will get to see you soon. Love ya!

Beth said...

Wahahaha... you brave girl!!! Best of luck to ya... and I think you'll be fantastic! (And I'm so happy you're 'public' again... I couldn't ever figure out which old email address I had originally subscribed to your blog with... LOL!)

Oh... and too bad you're not here in Oregon... cause we're MOVING! We could've used your expertise! ;-)

Time-Out With Tiffany said...

Wowsers! That is so impressive. It looks like it will be a great little child care business... Congrats!

Megan said...

Go Saedi!! What an exciting and challenging endeavor. Love the name!!(Especially love the little cutie whose saying it came from):)..I will send anyone I know your way.

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

I will definitely spread the word! Good to know....I may need to use your services when I start back to school:)

The Foulgers said...

You are going to do a fabulous job. I totally spread the word.

Gina said...

Loving the logo! I left a comment on the daycare blog about how excited I am for you. Next to motherhood, this job is perfect for you. You are amazing with children!

paige said...

Can I come? I'll drop off the kids in the basement and hang out upstairs, K? I'll do some light (and I mean light) dusting and I'll bake you guys some cookies. Let me know when we can start..

Kelli said...

I just saw you on facebook and saw the link to your blog. Loving all the pics of your boys- such cute/handsome little guys.

I just heard from Rachelle in the ward that you were starting a day care and then I now saw it here on your blog... so exciting! I'll have to keep you in mind since we have not decided what I am going to do about work/babysitting after this new baby comes. I am interested in having the kids watched closer to home- but I am curious as to the ages and numbers of kids you will take, if you will do any dropping off/picking up for school kids, and what you will charge and all that fun business. I'm hoping to stay home after this baby, but not sure it will work out, and my sister-in-law watches our kids, but I would so love to have them watched closer to home/school.

kara schmidt said...

You are crazy and amazing. Wish I lived closer.....