Dan worked with Mason so hard on his little derby car. It was pretty disastrous at first. It kept breaking and started falling apart. Then, Dan was adding the weights to it at work using their scale (which was incorrect) and it weighed 2 oz more than it was supposed to, and there was no way to remove the weights. He finally told me, "That's it, I'm done!". So, I said, "Ok, well maybe Kade (my brother who only has daughters) would like to help him with it, since he'll never get to do one himself." Dan looked at me like I was crazy and said, "No, I want to be the one who helps him." And that was that. They got a new kit and started all over again, this time, with much more knowledge and experience to go on. So, last night, we were having a hard time getting out the door. I had kids picked up late from the Day Care, Dan was supposed to get his hair cut, and we still didn't even have the wheels on the car. Needless to say, we were feeling stressed and we left for the race 15 minutes late. I had prepared Mason for the fact that he probably wouldn't win any of the races, because we had no experience at any of this, so he should just be happy and enjoy watching his car race. I just hoped that he might win one of the races they would do, but I didn't have my hopes up high for even that. They set his car up for his first race and imagine my surprise, and his, when he won it! It was so fun to see how excited he was about it, you could tell he was not expecting that. Then, he proceeded to win every race he was in but one, that he lost by a hair. But, when it came to the finals, he won the whole thing, which totally blew us away! Dan is still laughing about it. Mostly because we know it was total luck. We still don't know much about the pinewood derby, but we sure had fun!

I sure love that adorable little "Wolf". He makes my life super awesome!
Oh that is a cute story :). Yeay that he won, and cute photos!
p.s. my blog is aimandcode.blogspot.com
THAT IS SO AWESOME! Way to go Mason! That is something he will probably never forget. Sorry we made you late. We are so glad it all turned out so good.
Can't believe he is old enough to be in cub scouts! Way to go!
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