Dear Friends,
I'm excited today to post about my amazing sister in law, Celeste. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when she was just 19 years old. She married my brother in law, Matt, in July of 2000 as a healthy, vibrant young woman, but within a few months, she was very sick. Within a year of their marriage, she was completely dependent on others and has remained that way for the last 10 years. She has continued to amaze us all with her determination, faith, and above all, her cheerful attitude. She is convinced, as we all are, that she will walk again and that her miracle is just around the corner. She has tried many different treatments, all of which have been extremely expensive and she has seen improvements over the years, but not the big miracle we've all been hoping for. Her mother, who cares for her full time, recently found a treatment in Mexico that sounds like it might finally be the answer they've been looking for. A man in Salt Lake is said to have gone for treatments and now has complete control of his upper body, which he didn't have a year ago. We are hoping and praying that she will have the same results. These treatments, and her continuing care, are very expensive, and we are asking for any and all donations that could be made. Even a very small donation can make a huge difference and would be appreciated more than you could know. I love Celeste so much. Dan and I got married a week before she and Matt and I have always felt guilty that my life has gone on so easily while hers has been so difficult. They would love nothing more than to lead a normal life, have children, and for her to be able to walk. Please help me spread the word. There is a page set up on facebook with a video about her life and a link for donations. Go here to learn more. Or go here to donate immediately. Thank you so much!
Hi- I don't know you but just found your blog today through some random blog hopping and couldn't believe my eyes. I worked for a short time with Celeste at Christiansen Dental before her first attack up until she had to quit work. I was actually part of the group that hiked up Timp all those years ago. I have often thought about Celeste and how she is doing and watching the video just made me sob! She really is gorgeous inside and out! I will share this wherever I can and my prayers and thoughts are with her! I pray she will find a cure and be able to walk again!!! She truly is a daughter of a King!!! I'm really not a wierdo blog stalker, I don't think it was pure coincidence that I found your post:)
Saedi your font is kind of hard to read! I'm going to try copying it into word so I can see this...
We love you Saedi! and we love Celeste! Keep up the good work in spreading the word. We are getting so excited for the new addition to your clan.
Love you tons!!!
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