Friday, May 16, 2008


Can you guess what it is? 
The disgusting yuck that Aidan has spread all over his hands?
It' orange fruit snack! I would never have believed that someone could turn a fruit snack into a paste, but he somehow managed it. It was so gross and he just kept spreading it while I was trying to clean it up. It started out just on his hands, but he wiped some on his legs, and then his face, and then his clothes. Let's just say, I was not too thrilled with that happy face smiling up at me.


Katie L. said...

yuck! Isn't it amazing what kids can do with food! I would have just thrown him into the bathtub!

Anderson Adventures said...

oh my gosh it looks like carmel sauce or something. What fun!!! jk. HOpe you guys are doing great. that is good news we can get regular internet out there now.

Gina said...

That is what happens when you take my phone calls. I'm bad luck. LOL!

Glad you grabbed the camera. That is the first thing you thought of! What a great mom you are!

utmommy said...

Disgusting for sure!