Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mason's Preschool Graduation

Mason graduated from preschool on Friday. He learned so much this year at school, I have truly been amazed!  I am so thankful that Michelle clued me in on this preschool, because it was totally perfect for him. Mason's teacher, Mrs. Sheppard, runs an awesome school. Mason asked me one day why he had warts on his fingers and I told him I didn't know and he said to me, "I'll ask Mrs. Sheppard, cuz she knows everything." and I laughed and agreed that she probably did.
 The kids all put on an awesome program. Their songs were cute and funny and their parts were all memorized and well said. Mason's part was, "If you meet a hungry leopard, prowling through the night, make sure you call him sir and be incredibly polite". He did such a good job, it was so darling! It was such a fun day. Mason cracked me up, instead of looking at his teacher when he was singing his songs, he kept looking at me, so in every picture and video clip I have, all the kids are looking at Mrs. Sheppard and Mason is staring the opposite direction, looking at me. Luckily, he seemed to know all the songs well enough to sing them without looking at her. 
One of the last songs they sang was "We're off to Kindergarten" and I have to admit, I totally choked up. I never thought I would get emotional about him leaving preschool, but it does break my heart that my very first baby is growing up so fast. He'll start kindergarten this fall and from then on, I have to share him with the school system all the time, which I really do hate. Why do we have to let them grow up???

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ethan's Primary Theme

This Sunday, Ethan was assigned to say the "Monthly Theme" in Primary. The theme for this month is...."Heavenly Father planned for me to come to a family. I can strengthen my family now."  Well, we practiced it and he knew it really well, but he had a hard time saying "strengthen". Watch the video and listen to what it turned into. Luckily, he chickened out at the last minute and wouldn't say it in primary, but it sure was funny when he practiced it. I think it gives you an insight into how he really feels.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ready for Potty Training?

Bingham's Birthday Party

Last Friday, we all celebrated Bingham's 33rd Birthday at Canyon View Park. It was such a fun day. I spent the whole party with the kids playing at the playground, but we still had lots of fun. 
Aidan loved the swings. Whenever I pushed him he would say "weeeeee!"
Mason thought he was pretty cool going down the slide backwards.
Ethan was super whiny all night (no nap), but I still managed to catch some shots of him being happy.
Are these the cutest little cousins, or what?
Here's the gang watching the baseball game.

Baby Andrew

I couldn't resist posting these new pictures of Baby Andrew (our nephew). He is getting so big and he is so darling! Dan was holding him last week and he was smiling and coo-ing at him, I was so happy to get some good pictures of him.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Chinese Ballet Circus

OK, this may seem lame, but seriously, go watch this video! My Dad sent it to me and I have just been taking my sweet time to look at it, but I finally did, and HOLY COW! I was honestly in tears watching it. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen!  DON'T BE DISCOURAGED BY THE NAME, IT IS SO AMAZING, EVERYONE WILL LOVE THIS!!!


Can you guess what it is? 
The disgusting yuck that Aidan has spread all over his hands?
It' orange fruit snack! I would never have believed that someone could turn a fruit snack into a paste, but he somehow managed it. It was so gross and he just kept spreading it while I was trying to clean it up. It started out just on his hands, but he wiped some on his legs, and then his face, and then his clothes. Let's just say, I was not too thrilled with that happy face smiling up at me.

Brandon Cecil Herbert

Introducing.....Brandon Cecil Herbert. Brandon is my best friend, Buff's (Valerie's), new baby. He was born on April 29th and was 9lbs even and 21 inches long. I wish so bad that I was in Oregon right now holding him!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Well, I am finally back online as of today! Spanish Fork City claimed that they would be getting internet to our new neighborhood starting April 1st, but it didn't actually happen until today. Needless to say, I've been a little bit frustrated the last month and a half. But, I am so happy to say that I am finally back online today!!! by the way, we rented the house out. It rented the very next day after we listed it, we were so happy!

Monday, May 5, 2008

House for Rent

Our red brick house is up for rent again. If anyone knows someone who is looking for a place, here is the link. Thanks!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Taking the "Zoo" to the Zoo

Dan came back from his trip to Florida on Sunday. Monday he had to go catch up on all the everything that was backing up at work, but Tuesday, we took the kids to the zoo. We all had a blast! Whenever I have gone to the zoo in the past, the animals are all asleep, or just laying around doing nothing. This time, we saw some really fun stuff. The weather was perfect, it was a just warm enough, but overcast. Here were some of our favorite animals.The penguins were Ethan's favorite.Aidan loved the monkeys. Dan loved the white alligator I loved the fighting bears.Mason loved the tigers.

FHE with Grandma Dorothy

This last Monday we got to have Family Home Evening with my Grandma Dorothy, who lives in California. All of my immediate family came and so did some friends of Grandma's and her sister (Aunt Barb). It was such a fun night, and the kids were at their cutest. 
They all ate about a ton of watermelon (Aidan loved it!). 
My favorite part of the night was sitting on my parents back porch talking with everyone. Aunt Barb is so funny and she always tells the cutest stories. She told me about her granddaughter Emma, who at 4 said this...."Grandma, I can move quickly with skill and ease."  That one made me laugh all night. She told a few other ones too, but they were a little more racy, so I will only tell those stories to people who request them. They're more funny things that Emma has said. I was rolling with laughter.

Kaleb Lance Hubbs

This is the latest addition to the Hubbs Family. Koby and Lori welcomed their newest little boy to their family on April 17th (also his cousin Bryce's b-day). He was 8 lbs 2 oz. He has quite a bit of blonde fuzzy hair. Kaylen and Kolton are proud siblings. He looks a lot like Kort to me, just with more hair. He is such a beautiful little boy and we are so happy to have him in the family. The pictures are of him with his cousin Kayla.

Mason's New Haircut

Well, I have some major blog catching up to do. I am going crazy not having the internet, so I brought my computer to my in-laws so I could get some posts done.  Well, a week after Angie cut his hair, Mason apparently decided that he wanted to try cutting it himself too. We were at my Mom's house and he got ahold of her scissors and just started cutting. I was so shocked when I saw him that I actually laughed. I was furious, but I couldn't help but think how hilarious it was. I mean, the kid is 5 years old! Shouldn't he have outgrown this phase by now? All I can say is, I am so thankful I have all boys, because there would have been no recovering if a girl had cut her hair that close to the scalp. So, Mason got a buzz haircut, which we actually think is pretty cute.