Monday, January 25, 2010

This little angel....

slept 8 1/2 hours last night! I am so in love with this little boy!!!
Thanks Gina for the picture!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Watch him grow...

The poor boy was super jaundice and had to be on the bili lights 23 hours a day for 2 weeks! Here he is, getting ready to go back in. Luckily, he liked them, because it was so warm.

This one "cracks" me up. (get it?) -I'm such a dork!

World's cutest baby, with the world's saddest face!

What a goofy face, but man, I love it!

Isn't he getting chubby?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Delivery/Hospital Stay

From the moment this little boy was placed in my arms, I have been in absolute heaven! He is such a wonderful little baby boy and we have loved every second of having him in our family.
OK, so here is the birth story. The Sunday before Kellan was born, I started showing signs of pre-ecclampsia. My blood pressure had already been too high at my last several appointments, then I woke up and my hands and face were swollen. I had pre-ecclampsia with Mason, so I'm at higher risk to get it again.
So, we headed in to labor and delivery and after a few hours, they sent us home because my blood pressure finally started to go down, and all of my tests were negative for pre-ecclampsia. Then, at my Dr. appointment on Tuesday, Dec. 1st my blood pressure was up really high again and I was still swollen so my Dr. decided that she didn't want to take the risk of keeping me pregnant, so she had me walk across the street to the American Fork Hospital and they admitted me. Luckily, I had guessed that there was a good chance that all of this might happen, so I had my hospital bag in the car already.
I called Dan while he was at work, and he hopped in the car and came to meet me. While he was on his way, I started to get really nervous. I had had them go ahead and get me hooked up to my IV, but I wouldn't let them give me my pitocin until Dan arrived. Dan came, and I had him give me a blessing, because I was getting super scared and that calmed me down a lot. Being the super big wuss that I am, I got my epidural just about 30 minutes after they started my pitocin, which was great. My epidural was such a good one this time. I could still feel all the pressure, and maybe just a hint of pain, but nothing really painful.
At about 10pm I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. The Dr asked me to give her a mini push just to see how things might go, then she prepped me for delivery. So, on the next contraction she told me to bear down. I started pushing and she was saying, "Wow, I think on the next push, he will be out." and I was thinking, Give me a break, you can't have a baby in 2 pushes. But, sure enough, on the next push his head was out and with one more small push, he was here! It was so great!!!
My poor little man came out super bruised though. They even had to put a sign in his bassinet that said "I am bruised" because he looked like he was turning blue from lack of oxygen. The next day and a half went smooth and we were able to take him home on Thursday morning.
He got to visit with lots of fun people in the Hospital. Grandma Hubbs came to visit him, and brought along his brothers for their first glimpse of him. So did Papa Gary and Papa Levor. Grandma Oldham had a cold, so she didn't want to come and risk getting him sick. Jim and Megan also came, bringing us an awesome baby blanket!

Isn't he perfect? I love this little man!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Funny Boys

After Christmas, we were driving in the car, and Ethan asked Dan and I, "Why do we have to put up Christmas decorrections?"

For Mason's birthday, we took the kids to Pirate Island Pizza in Orem, and as we were leaving Dan told the boys to come put their coats on. Ethan got a really confused look on his face and said, "Dad, we already have our clothes on!". We got a kick out of that.

Every Sunday, when we take the sacrament, Aidan likes to put his cup back in the tray (in one of the small holes) and then he says, "This is the big one." I think he says it because he used to try to put it back in the big center hole, but Dan and I started making him put it on the end, because he would spill some of his water into the other cups (eeww). So, I think he says it to make himself feel better that he can't drop it in the middle.

Aidan really wants to be the "boss" at our house. I've told him several times that he is not the boss, he is just bossy. Well, he has taken that to mean, that he is even better than the boss, because every time Mason and Ethan tell Aidan ,"You're not the boss, Aidan!", Aidan says, "Yes, I BOSS-EE". And then he looks at me and says, "Right Mom, I boss-ee." and I laugh and say, "Yes, you're bossy, but not the boss."

Aidan has apparently confused the words "dance" and "sing", because every time music is on, he starts dancing like crazy, but he says, "I singing".