Friday, December 4, 2009

Kellan Eric Oldham

Here he is! Kellan Eric Oldham. I'm a little bit biased, but isn't he gorgeous??? He was born on December 1st at 10:16pm (which was the day I was hoping for). The delivery went awesome, and we are both feeling great and are so happy to be home! Kellan is living with a bili-blanket right now, while we try to get rid of his jaundice, but other than that, we are doing awesome. Dan and I (and the boys) are so completely in love with him!!! I'll get into the delivery story another day, but I thought I should at least post a few pictures in the meantime.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Check out the floating baby to the right! I'm 37 weeks, bedrest is officially over!!! Life is good! My house is actually somewhat clean for the first time in about a month!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kid Quotes

One day, Ethan was sitting at the bar, eating lunch and drinking his milk. He turned to me and said, "Mom, I know where milk comes from." So I said, "Where?" and he said, "cows". I smiled and said "good job buddy". Then, a minute later he asked, "Mom, why do cows pee milk?". I got a good laugh out of that while I explained a few more facts about cows to him.

Aidan has started saying the most random things. One day, Dan was telling the boys that they needed to learn to "wipe" better, because they keep clogging our toilets. So, being silly, Dan started to do a little demo on Mason (with his clothes on, of course). Well, apparently Aidan thought it was pretty great because when Dan had finished explaining the process, Aidan said in the most excited voice, "Dad, that was AMAZING!"

A few weeks ago, Aidan got into trouble for something, and Dan was threatening to spank him. As quick as could be he said, "Just give me one more chance!!!". Dan and I laughed too hard to discipline him after that.

The other day, Aidan and I were leaving Sam's Club and when we got to the car, I had us both wash our hands with antibacterial. He asked me, "Mom, why we need this? Cuz us got germs?" I laughed and said, "Yes, we have germs on our hands from being in the store, and we don't want to get sick." Then he said, very happily, "Now us won't die!". Apparently I've scared them a little too much about the dangers of germs, eh?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our first visit from the Tooth Fairy

Well, my cute Mason boy finally lost his first tooth last week. It's kind of a sad story, but I know it will just make us laugh really hard someday. His tooth had been really loose for a week or so, and his grown up tooth had already come in behind it, so we knew it would be coming out soon. Well, one day, he came walking in the door from the bus with his cute cousins, Shalyn and Logan with him. He was holding a bloody paper towel to his mouth and crying. Apparently, the mean girl in his class (he's told me about her several times before) punched him on the bus and knocked his tooth out. To make matters worse, his tooth was completely lost. That was the thing that he was really upset about, he was afraid that the tooth fairy wouldn't come because he didn't have a tooth to put under his pillow. I explained to him that the tooth fairy knows he lost a tooth, even if we couldn't find it, and that we would just leave her a note under his pillow explaining what had happened and that everything would be just fine. Luckily for us, it all worked out. Mason woke up to find this note from the tooth fairy, along with a crisp dollar bill. He was so happy!


Pay no attention to the fatty in the wheelchair! Dan was so cute to wheel me around all day while the kids did their trick or treating.
This was my favorite part of Halloween. My sister, Saesha and her husband dressed up like "Dog the Bounty Hunter" and his "wife". I would never have pictured Saesha in an outfit like this, but it was a HUGE hit. People stopped them every few feet to tell them how much they loved their costumes. It was hilarious. The best part about it is, this costume couldn't be more out of character for Saesha. She is the sweetest, cutest, most adorably amazing woman you could ever meet. It just made it that much funnier.
Look at my cute little nieces and nephews. I love Halloween most because of the fun we all have together!

HeeHaw Farms

Dan and I went with Ethan's Kindergarten class on their field trip to HeeHaw Farms. I was so happy to have Dan come with us, he always makes everything more fun!


Who ever would have thought that something as simple as grass could make you so happy?

Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm breaking the rules......

Please don't tell Dan! The time has come during this pregnancy for me to be "down". I snuck upstairs for just a minute to check my emails and spend just a few minutes enjoying my computer and the change of scenery. I am supposed to be sitting on my couch in front of my tv for a solid 14 hours of every day. I take a quick break from this routine to lay on my bed for about 9 of those hours while I sleep, then the whole thing starts over again. Sounds like fun, eh? Just so you know, the extra hour of the day is spent going to the bathroom and grabbing the kids some food. Dan has been awesome though, he is so much help, I don't know what I would do without him! My Mom has also been fantastic, stopping by to help straighten up whatever new disaster the boys have created, bringing me food and helping me get laundry and dishes done. Oh my, what would I do without awesome family. The funniest part about this bed rest, is that it hasn't even been sentenced on me by my Doctor (yet), Dan is the one who has forced me down after a bunch of weird pains I've had this week and LOTS of contractions. Oh well, only a few weeks, and then I will have my little boy in my arms!!! I seriously can't wait!!!! Hope everyone is doing well! I think I will make Dan set up my laptop on a tray by the couch, so I'm not so super bored!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ethan's 5th Birthday

I don't know how it happened so fast, but my cute Ethan boy turned five on May 31st!
Here he is with his brothers and cousins, Shalyn, Logan and Spencer. We were actually in Oregon for his birthday, but we couldn't do a whole lot of celebrating then. So, we had a mini-party for him at home a few days later.

I love the look on his face here, he was so stoked about his Spongebob cake! I love this little boy so much! He is growing up way too fast!

My Summer Surprise

So, to keep up with the recap of the summer, when we got home from our Oregon trip, I had a fun little surprise waiting for me. Our ward split while we were gone and I was called to be the Primary President in the new ward (Spanish Highlands). The hilarious thing about this is that it didn't really scare me at the time, but if I had known then, what I know now, I would have been shaking in my boots!!! I feel so bad for all the times I've been in Presidencies and totally taken the President for granted! I swear, that is probably the biggest reason that Heavenly Father gave me this calling, to help me understand all of the stress that those women went through! Anyway, that was one part of our fun summer. Luckily, I was just getting over my morning sickness when they called me, so at least I didn't have to deal with that as well.

Summer Recap-Oregon Trip-The Beach

Here we are at the Beach in Oregon on Dan's Birthday. We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory first, of course, because it's everyone's favorite stop, and then went to this fun little beach with lots of wildlife.
Here is the real reason I go to Oregon. To see this beautiful girl and her wonderful family! Oh my, I'm missing them like crazy right now!!!
My cute Mason and Ethan, enjoying the water.
The whole crew, even Kade and Sara were there!! The first time Kade has been to Oregon since we moved 13 years ago!
My cute adventurous husband, loved searching for this little guy in all the rocks. Isn't he adorable?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quick Announcement......

I should post the ultrasound pictures along with this, but I'm in a rush today, so I'll get to it later. We are having a..............................................................................................................................................


Heehee, four boys! Is that craziness or what? I was actually about 100% positive already that it would be a boy, even though pretty much no one agreed with me. I think it's official, Dan isn't capable of making girls! Oh well, these boys really are fantastic, so I can't complain one bit. And even more important, he is a very healthy looking little boy, and that was the main highlight for me! Dan of course, is the proudest Daddy in the whole world. He told me after the ultrasound, well Babe, I guess now we know, there is NOTHING girl about me. I should be mad at that, but it cracked me up!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oregon Trip-Part 1

In June, quite unexpectedly, we went on a trip to Oregon. My best friend's brother was getting married, but I didn't think we would be able to go, because Dan's work was so busy. But, he surprised me and we decided to go ahead and go anyway!

Look at the boys, this is how they looked during the entire 14 hour drive! Glued to the XBox. I never thought I would say this, but THANK HEAVENS FOR XBOX!!!
About an hour from my hometown of Forest Grove, we passed by Multnomah Falls. It is so gorgeous, but even though I've passed it hundreds of times, this was the first time I can ever remember stopping to actually see it up close.
Isn't it gorgeous? Dan took these fun pictures of Mason (they were the only ones willing to hike up where it gets you pretty wet)

You can see our camera lens just kept getting wetter and wetter.

Thanksgiving Point

For the last day of school, I decided that we should celebrate, so I took the boys to the Children's Garden at Thanksgiving Point. Dan was out of town that day and the last thing I wanted to do was go sit at home. I'm so glad that we went, I never would have realized that they had such a fun place for kids to play.
They have this awesome water park/play area. The kids absolutely LOVED it.
They also had a bunch of fun little adventure places to explore, like this Lighthouse, which we could climb up inside of.
The water park was the main highlight. Most people had their kids in swimsuits, but I hadn't been planning to go play in the water, so my kids just started shedding their clothes as the day went on.
Ethan apparently got hit by a fountain and felt a little picked on.
Mason would have stayed there all day if he could have. As it was, we were there for about 6 hours.
They had some fun building block things too.
We left, and picked up Wendy's, and then came back. Once you pay, you can leave and come back all you want, it was so nice!
I don't know what they are doing here.
They explored the bear cave.
And the bear tunnels.
It was such a fun day, we will definitely be going back soon.