Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ethan's 5th Birthday

I don't know how it happened so fast, but my cute Ethan boy turned five on May 31st!
Here he is with his brothers and cousins, Shalyn, Logan and Spencer. We were actually in Oregon for his birthday, but we couldn't do a whole lot of celebrating then. So, we had a mini-party for him at home a few days later.

I love the look on his face here, he was so stoked about his Spongebob cake! I love this little boy so much! He is growing up way too fast!

My Summer Surprise

So, to keep up with the recap of the summer, when we got home from our Oregon trip, I had a fun little surprise waiting for me. Our ward split while we were gone and I was called to be the Primary President in the new ward (Spanish Highlands). The hilarious thing about this is that it didn't really scare me at the time, but if I had known then, what I know now, I would have been shaking in my boots!!! I feel so bad for all the times I've been in Presidencies and totally taken the President for granted! I swear, that is probably the biggest reason that Heavenly Father gave me this calling, to help me understand all of the stress that those women went through! Anyway, that was one part of our fun summer. Luckily, I was just getting over my morning sickness when they called me, so at least I didn't have to deal with that as well.

Summer Recap-Oregon Trip-The Beach

Here we are at the Beach in Oregon on Dan's Birthday. We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory first, of course, because it's everyone's favorite stop, and then went to this fun little beach with lots of wildlife.
Here is the real reason I go to Oregon. To see this beautiful girl and her wonderful family! Oh my, I'm missing them like crazy right now!!!
My cute Mason and Ethan, enjoying the water.
The whole crew, even Kade and Sara were there!! The first time Kade has been to Oregon since we moved 13 years ago!
My cute adventurous husband, loved searching for this little guy in all the rocks. Isn't he adorable?